Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Wonderful New Room

My new room is Amanda's guest room. It just happens to be my style and I love it! I had to share it with you all.

The Beginning...

Me and mom visited Joanne and Jean (mom's step sister and husband) outside of Austin, TX on our way out to FL.
We all went out for my mom's Birthday when we arrived in FL. My dad met us that day, just in time for her Birthday :)
Here is Ola Williams, Glenn's mom, Amanda, and me at Outback for my mom's Birthday.
George and Dad diving into Mom's free dessert.
Group photo at the Macaroni Grill: the Van Donselaar crew, the Williams crew, and Gerry and Kay Berry (old family friends).

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm "Home"

After my long drive cross country on the 10, I am finally settled in Orlando, FL with my sister, Amanda and her husband, Glenn. My mom and I arrived on her Birthday in the morning on February 25th. I was able to get all my things loaded into my room before my dad arrived. His flight arrived later that day. For dinner we went out for my mom's Birthday with with Glenn's Parents, my parents and of course Amanda and Glenn.

The past few days have been SO relaxing! It has been so nice to lounge around with the family and sleep in. After my month of transition it is a relief to attain some rest before I officially start work at Pioneers this coming week on Wednesday.

I have seen God's love and faithfulness in ways I could never had imagined through your love and kindness the past 6 months. This foundation creates in me an assurance of His love for me during this time of training in Orlando I will soon begin. Thank you everyone for your support. I am looking expectantly to what God has next :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Amand and Glenn's Wedding Photos!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Have an Amazing Sister...and She is Getting Married!!!

Amanda’s Bridal shower was such a blessing! The other bridesmaids and I thought of this idea to give Amanda something tactile from all of us that would encourage her. Shawnda (one of the bridesmaids) had the idea to have everyone attending the shower to think of a word that described Amanda and write it on a rock. Everyone would share their word they thought of that described Amanda and give her the rock. Then we would put the rocks in a sort of altar that Amanda could keep in her future home. We wanted her to have something that would remind her of the community that surrounds her as she moves into this new season of marriage.

We bridesmaids weren’t sure how people would respond to the activity. To our enjoyment everyone responded extremely well! It was a blessing to witness how much Amanda had affected everyone there. It was truly beautiful. There were tears all over the place as women shared about how Amanda had touched their lives. I feel so blessed to have such an incredible sister!

Some of the words that people used to describe Amanda were adventurous, compassionate, peaceful, sweet, committed, gutsy, and beautiful heart. The word that I chose to describe her was nurturing. Amanda is my older sister, 8 years my senior. All my life she has nurtured me in more ways than one. In addition to all the practical care she gave me, she also nurtured me spiritually. Amanda is the one that led me to give my life to Christ when I was 8 years old. Not only did she lead me to give my life to Christ at 8 years old, she nurtured me spiritually in such a way that led me to give my life to Him daily. It is because of her that I know what it takes to follow Him with all my heart. Thank you Amanda for nurturing me in such a unique and special way! I love you!

Monday, May 25, 2009

What I've been learning...

Why is there so little anxiety to get time to pray? It is the want of these solitary hours that not only injures our own growth in grace but makes us such unprofitable members of the church of Christ, and that renders our lives useless.

It is not in society - even Christian society - that the soul grows most rapidly and vigorously. In one single quiet hour of prayer it will often make more progress than in days of company with others. It is in the desert that dew falls freshest and the air is purest. So with the soul. It is when none but God is nigh; when His presence alone, like the desert air in which there is mingled no noxious breath of man, surrounds and pervades the soul; it is then that the eye gets the clearest, simplest view of eternal certainties; it is then that the soul gathers in wondrous refreshment and power and energy.

And so it is also in this way that we become truly useful to others. It is when coming out fresh from communication with God that we go forth to do His work successfully.

Horatius Bonar, Words to Winners of Souls

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Give Me Courage"

God loves me for me. What a concept? I can't believe I serve a good God who cherishes me in such a way to love me unconditionally. People talk about this concept all of the time, but once you experience it for yourself, there is no turning back.

As I have realized this, I see and feel God pushing me further. There are new endeavors coming my way that ignite in me excitement, but also fear. I have realized that I have been afraid to be myself the past few years, if not all my life. In the last few months God has shown me that I am not to fear man and that He has given me a mouth to speak and life to represent Him.

He has shown me the importance of being fully known by Him. So often as we follow Christ we are burdened by what we must do, but God loves us and wants to know us. As I experience Him, I am burdened to tell of His love.

As I began to realize these things about God and my identity in Him, I realized that I needed to pursue my dreams. Yes, my dreams might be unique and a little off the wall, but they are God given ones that I must run after. This blog is one small step in pursuing the passions He has given me. I know God has given me things to say, but I just need the courage to say them. Lord give me the courage.