Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Have an Amazing Sister...and She is Getting Married!!!

Amanda’s Bridal shower was such a blessing! The other bridesmaids and I thought of this idea to give Amanda something tactile from all of us that would encourage her. Shawnda (one of the bridesmaids) had the idea to have everyone attending the shower to think of a word that described Amanda and write it on a rock. Everyone would share their word they thought of that described Amanda and give her the rock. Then we would put the rocks in a sort of altar that Amanda could keep in her future home. We wanted her to have something that would remind her of the community that surrounds her as she moves into this new season of marriage.

We bridesmaids weren’t sure how people would respond to the activity. To our enjoyment everyone responded extremely well! It was a blessing to witness how much Amanda had affected everyone there. It was truly beautiful. There were tears all over the place as women shared about how Amanda had touched their lives. I feel so blessed to have such an incredible sister!

Some of the words that people used to describe Amanda were adventurous, compassionate, peaceful, sweet, committed, gutsy, and beautiful heart. The word that I chose to describe her was nurturing. Amanda is my older sister, 8 years my senior. All my life she has nurtured me in more ways than one. In addition to all the practical care she gave me, she also nurtured me spiritually. Amanda is the one that led me to give my life to Christ when I was 8 years old. Not only did she lead me to give my life to Christ at 8 years old, she nurtured me spiritually in such a way that led me to give my life to Him daily. It is because of her that I know what it takes to follow Him with all my heart. Thank you Amanda for nurturing me in such a unique and special way! I love you!